Monday, 17 June 2013

Starting to see a New Me

Well I have to say I'm finally starting to see some changes, not physically because they have been there for a while now, but in my day to day routines/energy.  I will start by saying I lost 1.8lbs this week bringing me down 85.6lbs in total.

I notices this past week that I chose to do things I never thought I would do.  I have joined a walking club at my office and, weather permitting, we walk 3 days a week.  The walk I chose to do is 1.24miles and I can do it in 25.50 minutes.  I am hoping that gets better as the summer goes on!

Then on Saturday, while Colin was away with family I spent the entire day baking, cooking, cleaning etc.  Around 3pm I was going to sit down and decided I didn't want to, that I needed to get outside but couldn't find the garage keys anywhere so biking was out of the question.  So off I went in my walking gear and I walked from our house, down one of the side streets and back.  Not since I met Colin would I ever have thought of walking that street because of the hill on it.  I am terrified of walking hills because they hurt so much, however, I also know they burn the energy so GOOD!

I walked the 0.94miles in about 20 minutes and was so shocked that when I got back I was still able to breath fine that I turned on my new yoga work out and I did 30 minutes of that as well.  I couldn't get over that I had done it, without being told, begged, or guilted into it. I did it of my own choice and I shocked myself.  I really hope I can keep small NSVs like that up. 

Today I decided to start a new challenge.  A 30 day PLANK challenge.  It doesn't look too hard on paper, however, WOW even the first day which is only 20 seconds nearly killed me so please pray I make it through the next 30 days :D

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