Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Another Week Gone ...

Another weigh-in last evening at TOPS and I lost another 1lb!

It was a rough week mentally and although I did lose weight I still don't feel like it was enough for many reasons.

One reason was I haven't really been exercising like I should even though I have energy galore.  I haven't been able to reorganize my day to fit it in ... or at least that is the lie I have been telling myself.

Another reason is that I have been trying very hard to work everything I need food wise into my day.  As I mentioned in my last post I am trying to add some protein and fiber in to each meal and I'm trying to have enough of each in the run of the day as well but it has been a big struggle.  I never quite get enough Protein or Fiber in the run of a day but I ALWAYS go over on Carbohydrates and Fat. It is so frustrating and I have had a lot of low days mentally because of it.

I knew starting this it was going to be a life long struggle & adjustment, but up til now it hasn't really been that hard, the weight just came off pretty easily. So now these struggles are hitting me a little harder than I thought. 

I have been trying to remember that each day is a new day ... fresh with no mistakes.  I watch Biggest Loser each and every week and I LOVE it.  Even if I don't think I could EVER participate in it I can use some of their inspiration to help me get through each day and help keep me focused.

Below are tips from each trainer as well as from the host Ali!

 This one thing is something I need to start doing ... I was originally trying to work out in the evenings but I can't schedule to work out the same time each and every evening.  I can however schedule to work out each morning at 5:30 because I can guarantee I wake up at that time.  I am going to start this tomorrow ... wake up at 5:30 and do a work out to get my week off to a good start.

 I need to remember these 3 tips too.  I need to do the things I like to do, so if I don't like to run don't do it ... I need to find the things I really like to do and get out and do them.  Colin and I love to hike so I have already put together a list of Hiking trails I really want to get started on.

Finally and probably the hardest thing in the world for me to do is what Jillian Michaels has as one of her tips. To Accept & Love your body as it is now ... This has ALWAYS been a struggle for me, I have always hated how I looked even if I put on a happy face and made every one around me believe I was ok with myself. 

So even though I have lost 68.8lbs so far which ends up being an 18.9% change from my highest weight I am hoping to hit my 70lbs lost next week by trying to apply each of these tips as well as making the proper choices for food each and every day.

My Current Weight Is:

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