Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Still losing :)

TOPS was last evening and I was happy to see I lost another 1.6lbs bringing my weight loss total to 74lbs.  I haven't quite hit my next goal of being below 290lbs but I'm still extremely happy with my progress.

I weighed in tonight at 290.4lbs.  It was a sad weigh in because I didn't reach my personal goal but I was also so excited to have lost again.

I am still fighting with my self DAILY to get in my exercise.  I did so well for an entire week and then missed 2 days and felt like I was starting all over again.   But after my TOPS meeting last evening I fell a bit better.  Not because of the weight on the scale, but the program we did helped. 

The program was entitled Life is a Journey not a Destination.  Here is how it began:

 Enjoy your journey! You are only given one life! Having a dream or destination in mind gives you purpose and keeps you from wandering aimlessly, but the journey is just as important. You see, “destination” can imply that life is predetermined and not something we can control. “Journey,” on the other hand, suggests travel or passage from one place to another, from where we are today to where we hope to end up. Through our journey, we control many things and enjoy many things—if we are paying attention.

Here are some bumper stickers we may see as we journey along our road to success. They will help make the trip a good one.

Dare to be Great!
When you woke up this morning, you had the choice to do one of two things. You could choose to be great—or not. What did you choose?

A BEND IN THE ROAD isn’t the end of the road unless you fail to make the turn!
Famous singer Bono once said, “My heroes are the ones who survived doing it wrong, who made mistakes and recovered from them.” No matter who you are or what you do, if you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed. You can turn things around the moment you decide to be

Everything changes when YOU change
Have you ever noticed that your mood affects how you perceive your surroundings? Why is it that the worst drivers are out only when you are the most tired at the end of the day and on your way home from work? The mind is powerful, and you are in control of it. Just remember what our TOPS founder, Esther Manz, taught you: “You are an intelligent person!”

Try approving of yourself, and see what happens!
We can be our own worst critic! At some point in your life, you have to say, “I approve of who I am. I am a good person; I love me; and I have a HUGE amount to offer the world!” Once you APPROVE of you, it becomes easier to BELIEVE! The difference will be amazing!

Everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.
No matter where you are in life, you have to find the courage to start living and moving forward to make the necessary changes to become healthier. 

INSANITY IS doing the same thing and expecting different results.
Anyone can be a KOPS! Those who made it were scared at first, but they chose a new lifestyle anyway. They didn’t know if it would work, but they took that chance and let persistence and enthusiasm carry them through. 

Small changes turn “BINGE” into “BEING.”
Isn’t it ironic that all the comfort food we eat is exactly what ended up making us feel so uncomfortable? With our TOPS and KOPS friends, we can learn to forego extra helpings and desserts and the extra calories that keep us from being all we can be. 

Focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear.
Do you catch yourself feeling envious of others? Are you afraid they are experiencing wealth or success that you are not? Open your eyes to the beautiful life in front of you and see others as inspiration instead of competition.

Look at how far you’ve come, not how far you have to go.
Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending! It is up to you to create what you are.

and lastly

Go the extra mile!
The one individual who’s willing to put forth the extra effort, the one willing to walk that extra mile and exercise that extra 15 minutes, that’s who makes the most of the journey!

All of these things from last nights TOPS meeting make me really think about what I am doing in life, how I`m making the most out of my journey and how my daily choices are helping me obtain the goals and dreams I have set out for myself.

For me it isn`t all about the number on the scale, even though I do concentrate on that a lot. But I also want other things out of this journey. I want to be able to hike and walk with my husband anywhere he chooses. I want to eventually go bike riding with him.  I want to go back to Disney some day and not have to see it from a wheel chair and most importantly for me I want to be healthy enough to have a family (whether it be biologically or through adoption) and be able to truly LIVE life WITH them not just from the couch!


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