Thursday, 25 April 2013

Back on Track

Well I had an adjustment last Wednesday in Halifax.  My mother, father and I went up over night and did some shopping too.  I was in and out of my adjustment appointment in less than 5 minutes. It was painless this time around because my port is not laying flat on the muscle and luckily he didn't have to go searching for it.  I didn't even feel the needles for the first time in my life!

While we were in Halifax I purchased a dress and some high heels. First time purchasing both because I wanted to in my LIFE!

 I will be wearing this with a black jacket/bolero in May to the TOPS PRD in Truro. 

After the adjustment I felt back to normal.  My meals were allowing me to stay satiated for upwards of 4 hours.  Something that I was really missing for so long.  Then on Tuesday I got weighed in at TOPS and was DOWN 5.6lbs!!

I'm back on track and feeling amazing.  I am out of the 290's and really hope to stay that way!

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

A Gain but Not Giving Up

Well I sadly gained again this week at TOPS, 0.8lbs  Its not a lot but I'm not going in the right direction at all. I'm not giving up!  I started the Couch to 5K on April 1 and I am sticking to that.  In doing that, as I said in my last post, I am also trying to walk a total of 15 miles this month. I refuse to give up but I am definitely not happy with where I am right now. 

I had an information session with Sue, one of the SWLC nurses, this past week and during it I felt like she was talking directly to me. She was explaining some common issues with the band that most people don't think about.

One of those issues is a pain in the lower left quadrant of my torso that I thought was a pulled muscle or something but was told it is most likely the tubing from the port hitting a nerve and stretches etc can help move it away from the trouble spot.

Another thing that hit home drastically was that I am probably in need of another adjustment even though I had one in February.  She mentioned that it normally takes 4 or 5 adjustments each about 4 -6 weeks apart before they find that "SWEET" spot.  She showed us the picture below:

I should be in the Green Zone, however, as I lose weight its not just coming off my legs, arms, torso, face etc it is also coming off my stomach itself and as such the band isn't tight enough to help me achieve satiety after a small meal like before. Which puts me in the Yellow Zone

I thought that after my adjustment in February that would be it for months but sadly its not, they put so little in each time to very slowly bring me back into the Green Zone. I thought it was all in my head, I didn't think what I was feeling was due to my band needing adjustment.

I have been feeling hungry within an HOUR of my meals. I am constantly thinking about food, recipes, what I get to eat at my next meal, what I can make this weekend, for the coming weeks etc.  Its a constant battle and it didn't used to be right after my surgery.  I thought it was just how the rest of my journey was going to be but Sue said that should NOT be how I feel at all. 

I am scheduled to go to Halifax on Wed, April 17th for an adjustment, I know it might not be the last but I hope it helps me out of this rut. The adjustment combined with my workouts I hope will help me get back on the losing track!

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

A Gain :-(

Well weigh in night was last evening and I sadly gained 1.8lbs.  I won't make any excuses I will just say that I knew it was coming because I have not been eating as well as I should the last few days.  I had chocolate that I never should have touched because I knew if I did I wouldn't stop and that is exactly what happened.  I splurged on food I shouldn't of had and didn't exercise to compensate at all.

So knowing this weight gain was coming/happening I decided to start a Couch to 5K as well as a 15 mile challenge/program on April 1 ... I am not looking to go into races or anything I just want to build up my stamina.

Here is what I'm following (probably with a few small moderations)

I am also going to try and walk at least 15 miles in the month of April.  It averages to 1/2 mile a day but I have already missed one day so I need to keep a good track and see if I can get these goals met!