Monday, 24 September 2012

Flying Tomorrow

WOW ... 20 days down .. 1 more to go before Surgery!!

I leave Sydney at 6:10am tomorrow and land in Toronto at 7:54am their time.  I can't believe its here already.  I feel great! I am able to do some things I haven't been able to do in well over a year.  Simple things like walking up and down my back stairs without having to hold on to anything or take a break every step.  It seems like something so small to most people but for me I felt like a little child just learning to walk when ever I got to the stairs. That has finally stopped/gone away.

I find it absolutely unbelievable that I am going for surgery on Wednesday and I truthfully have no fears what-so-ever.  I don't know if that is normal or not but I am very thankful so far!


  1. There are only more amazing things to come/experience and feel. :) So proud and happy for you! <3

  2. It's not small. It's a huge moment for you!

    I remember the day I realized I could walk up a flight of stairs without getting terrible short of breath (chest pain included). It was an amazing moment for me, even though to most its just something they always did.

    Soon you'll be running those!

    I will be thinking of you tomorrow!
