Friday, 15 February 2013

Band Adjustment

I traveled to Halifax this past week for a few doctors appointments, one of which was my Lap-Band Adjustment.  I was very very nervous because I am not a fan of needles, not that many people are, but I was not prepared for the pressure/pain that came.

The doctor had a hard time locating the port with the needle, even though he could find it from the outside without issue.  The main reason was that the port didn't lay flat on my muscle like it normally would.  Colin was with me and I was sure I was going to break his fingers.  I could hear the needle scraping against the plastic part of my port.  I thought I was just hearing it in my head but Colin said he could hear it too. Said it sounded like the metal scraping against your teeth when you get your teeth cleaned at the dentist.  He had to go in twice with a needle before he finally was able to hit the proper part of the port, however, in between the two needles he had to stick me with some freezing stuff because it was getting very very uncomfortable.  He even ended up pushing through some scar tissue which made the weirdest popping sound.

When he finally finished he said that I had 2.5cc in my band since surgery and then added another 0.5cc and although it seems like a small amount I could feel it within the first 24 hours.

Before the adjustment I was so frustrated that I was getting hungry within 30 minutes of eating my meals.  I was constantly craving sugar and never felt full. It was like I was back at square one mentally so I had to consciously push myself NOT to eat even though I was constantly hungry.  After the adjustment Colin, Mike and I went to Halifax Shopping Center and I knew I couldn't eat much, no breads, meat etc just liquid or mushy food, so I had an Orange Julius Berry-Pom Twilight Smoothie.  I added protein to it so I would get some in and it was DELICIOUS, however, I couldn't finish it which was something I hadn't felt/had to do in a long time.  I was starting to get back to the way I was feeling after surgery.  Yesterday I had my breakfast at 8am and didn't feel the slightest bit hungry till almost 11:30 which was so amazing to me. I didn't eat till noon and then didn't feel hungry again till close to 5pm and then wasn't hungry the rest of the evening.  I couldn't get over it, the adjustment had worked. 

I'm not sure why I was so surprised this happened because it is the whole premise behind the lap-band surgery but it was a pleasant surprise!!!

I didn't get weighed in this week though sadly because I was in Halifax and TOPS was cancelled due to no school.  I will weigh in again on Tuesday, February 19 and hope to see a good loss, but will be happy with at least 1lb seeing as the struggles I had been having prior to the adjustment.

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